Why does it feel sometimes that even though we know how we might like to be treated by support services, and when we know what ‘works’ for us when it comes to making changes in our personal lives, that act of doing this as a practitioner with and for others can still feel mysterious?
It may have something to do with the service system itself still being founded upon problem-centred principles, or the feeling that while we know the ‘what’ of person-centred Strengths-based practice, it’s the ‘how’ of it that can often feel complicated.
Late last month, a group of intrepid ethical practitioners from around Brisbane gathered over two days at the fabulous Quaker Meeting House, to share their wisdom and deepen their knowledge of not just the principles of Strengths-based work, but to focus squarely on the practice of it. This workshop, Foundational Skills for Strengths-based practice, was facilitated by Amy Stephenson and Andrew Shirres, who each have Strengths-based, socially just practice in their DNA…
After a morning devoted to examining the ins and outs of ‘Power-over’ and ‘Power-with’ and the connections of Strengths practice to other traditions like solution-focused and narrative approaches, the remaining time was spent filling our collective tool-box with all the ‘ings’- reframing, normalising, externalising, SB recording, solution-focused questioning, stretch-listing, as well as trying out column approaches.
Fair to say the group left feeling energised and ready to put these skills into action…
“I have done a few strength based trainings. I really enjoyed that these facilitator’s were genuine, engaging and inclusive. Reflection helps me embed info which I really appreciated.”
“From a self reflective point of view, the activity with the questions and the externalization was extremely helpful. A practice that I will use myself in my own life to to further integrate Strengths based practice into my therapeutic work”
If you would like to know more about organising a Strengths-based workshop for your team or organisation click here